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Funeral Home Professionals

Thank you for your interest in adding Phoenix Bears to your Funeral Home’s Bereavement Care Plan!
We appreciate compassionate funeral home professionals more than we can express.

We offer:

1) Tiny teddy bears as a gift “FOR” the baby. These tiny bears are a beautiful sentiment in the arms of a sleeping angel baby for the viewing/funeral and can bring a sense of comfort to the bereaved parent(s). They can be kept with baby for burial or can be given to the bereaved parent(s) as a precious keepsake before sealing the casket.

2) Teddy bears for bereaved mamas to hold on their way home from the funeral so they don’t have to leave with empty arms. Introducing this bear to mama before the viewing/funeral, having it sitting out near baby, is the best way to help mama associate the bear with her baby. These bears hold a blanket & are unweighted, however, we do offer to customize the bear to the baby’s weight – up to 12 lbs. Each bear comes with a small Organza bag with tissues, angel keychain, and a tag inside w/ a QR code & instructions on how to get the bear weighted at a later date.

3) Vouchers to be given to the Bereaved parent(s). These vouchers give the Bereaved the opportunity to get a personalized Phoenix Bear weighted to their baby’s weight (up to 20 lbs). These “Comfort Bears” can help with Empty Arms Syndrome and bring comfort to a bereaved mama’s broken heart.

Compassionate Funeral Home Services for Bereaved Parents who have experienced baby loss is sorely lacking in the United States. However, some are taking steps to change this. Empowering families to create memories before laying their child to rest can help in the healing process. Allowing the Bereaved Parent(s) to not only view their baby on the day of the funeral/burial, but to touch their baby, even hold, rock, take hand and foot prints, take pictures, and dress their baby for burial. These are all so important to healing for the Bereaved Parent(s) and can help them to view your staff in a positive light.

Mothers of Held Angels interviewed Debbie Ross, the Funeral Home Director from Joseph J. Earthman Generations Funeral Home in Houston, TX, who offers such an experience to the Bereaved Families they serve. Please take time to watch the video interview and/or listen to the podcast interview and see how making these changes can have a huge positive impact on Bereaved Parents.

To inquire about Phoenix Bears for your facility, fill out the form below. We will contact you shortly.