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Healthcare Professionals

Thank you for your interest in adding Phoenix Bears to your Bereavement Care Plan!

We appreciate compassionate doctors and nurses more than we can express. During a time of crisis, having a well educated Bereavement Team equipped with the tools to help guide and comfort the bereaved is of utmost importance.

Items that touched their baby, or were at least near their baby, will become precious keepsakes for the bereaved.

What we offer:

Teddy bears for bereaved mamas to hold on their way out of the hospital so they don’t have to leave with empty arms.

Introducing this bear to mama during her stay, having it sitting out near baby, is the best way to help mama associate the bear with her baby. This can help with healing after leaving the hospital. These bears are unweighted, however, we do offer to customize the bear to the baby’s weight – up to 12 lbs. Each bear has a tag around it’s neck w/ a QR code with instructions on how to get the bear weighted after leaving the hospital.

Tiny teddy bears as a gift “FOR” the baby.

Often, this is the only gift this baby will ever get and encourages mama to take pictures of her baby. Placing this tiny bear in the arms of a sleeping angel baby is a great way to introduce this little bear. Some funeral homes will allow the bereaved to send the bear with their baby to cremation or burial, if they choose to do so. Otherwise it is meant as a precious keepsake for mama to take home with her.

Vouchers to be given to the Bereaved before leaving the hospital.

These vouchers give the Bereaved the opportunity to get a personalized Phoenix Bear weighted to their baby’s weight – up to 20 lbs. These “Comfort Bears” can help with Empty Arms Syndrome and bring comfort to a bereaved mama’s broken heart.

Compassionate Bereavement Care is vital during a family’s traumatic loss of their precious baby and their stay in the hospital. Your staff has the ability to set the tone for the Bereaved. Talking to their baby about how beautiful / cute the baby is and talking to the Bereaved Parent(s) positively about their baby can help. This doesn’t mean to pretend their baby is alive and everything is happy, not by a long shot. However, offering them as many of the same experiences and options as you would had their baby survived can help lessen their regrets later on and help them look back on your staff in a positive light.

Encouraging the Bereaved to look at, hold, take pictures of and with their baby, as well as bathe, diaper, and dress their baby (if possible), are huge steps in the right direction for bonding and gets the Bereaved started in the right direction on their healing journey after leaving the hospital. Providing resources for baby/infant loss support before they leave the hospital is very important as well. Leaving their precious baby is one of the hardest parts of this journey and having something to hold in their empty arms on their way out of the hospital can make a difference. This is why we offer Phoenix Bears for hospitals to give to Bereaved Mamas. No mom should ever have to leave the hospital without her baby, but since we all know this does happen, she should at least not have empty arms during this devastating transition from hospital to home.

To inquire about Phoenix Bears for your facility, fill out the form below. We will contact you shortly.